





Bloodshed, Judgement and Redemption

領會: 黃道偉長老;詩歌敬拜: 林國璋Timothy牧師




---------------《願 》自由花》《各國各民都當面對-----------

















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------------------------9:28pm -------------------------


I:     #126願 For This our NationWe ardently Pray






For this our nation we ardently pray,

Come,truth of Jesus to enlighten our way.

Come to our cities, we humbly implore,

Lord, send forth Your life that they may be restored.


Almighty heav’nly Father, may Your Kingdom come,

Send sadness and poverty away from our homes.

Almighty heav’nly Father, may Your will be done,

May hope and righteousness, always live in our hearts.




Freedom Flower






Never forget, years and months will not erode,


Deep in my heart, always remember, Nineteen Eighty Nine.



Those hurt and pain, let us transform into strength.


Truth and ideal, keep on searching, till eternity.



Slow and steady, keep going on, do not be afraid,


Thorns and brambles, Cutting through all, no need care about.



Drift up and down, yesterday's crowd, keep silent all days,


They dont want to think it too much whether true or false.



But we do have a dream, never die, just keep it,


No matter how it rains, freedom will blossom one day.



But we do have a dream, never die, just keep it,



From the hearts of you and me, remember it!



Never forget, left undying consciousness,


Deep believing it becomes true, someday, some year.



What a good news, it depends on you and me,


Keep going on, keep on seeking, till the dream comes true.



Slow and steady, keep going on, do not be afraid,


Thorns and brambles, Cutting through all, no need care about.



Drift up and down, yesterday's crowd, keep silent all days,


They dont want to think it too much whether true or false.



But we do have a dream, never die, just keep it,


No matter how it rains, freedom will blossom one day.



But we do have a dream, never die, just keep it,


From the hearts of you and me, remember it!




詩歌III     《各國各民都當面對 Once To Every Man And Nation

詞:James Russell Lowell, 1845


曲:Thomas John William, 1890


Once to every man and and nation, comes the moment to decide,


In the strife of truth with falsehood, for the good or evil side


Some great cause, God's new Messiah, offering each the bloom or blight,


And the choice goes by forever, 'twixt that darkness and that light.


2. Then to side with truth is noble, when we share her wretched crust,


Ere her cause bring fame and profit, and 'tis prosperous to be just


Then it is the brave man chooses, while the coward stands aside,


Till the multitude virtue of the faith they had denied.



3. By the light of burning martyrs, Christ, Thy bleeding feet we track,


Toiling up new Calvaries ever with the cross that turns not back


New occasions teach new duties, times makes ancient good uncouth


They must upward still and onward, who would keep abreast of truth.


4. Though the cause of evil prosper, yet 'tis truth alone is strong



Though her portion be the scaffold, and upon the throne be wrong


Yet that scaffold sways the future, and, behind the dim unknown,


Standeth God within the shadow keeping watch above His own.






當 遠 離 虛 假 的 事 。 不 可 殺 無 辜 和 有 義 的 人 , 因 我 必 不 以 惡 人 為 義 --237

如 今 卻 蒙 神 的 恩 典 , 因 基 督 耶 穌 的 救 贖 , 就 白 白 的 稱 義 。 神 設 立 耶 穌 作 挽 回 祭 , 是 憑 著 耶 穌 的 血 , 藉 著 人 的 信 , 要 顯 明 神 的 義 ; 因 為 他 用 忍 耐 的 心 寬 容 人 先 時 所 犯 的 罪 , 好 在 今 時 顯 明 他 的 義 使 人 知 道 他 自 己 為 義 ,也 稱 信 耶 穌 的 人 為 義 。--324-26



1.      爲中國禱告求主眷顧保守中華大地爲六四受難者的家人禱告願天安門母親們等早日歸向主耶穌求主開眼願海外華人教會牧者弟兄姐妹更有負擔為公義發聲代禱為中國同胞特別是知識精英們認識無神論危害偶像崇拜高舉民族主義等禱告為執政掌權者禱告願福音廣傳


2.      請繼續爲國內正受逼迫的家庭教會,成都秋雨、北京守望, 貴陽活石,貴陽仁愛,廣州聖經歸正,西安豐盛,臨汾家園,合肥甘泉等教會及獄中的王怡牧師(被判囚9 年)、張春雷長老,廉長年牧師,李潔傳道,朱龍飛長老,周松林牧師等被囚神兒女禱告。爲出獄後的曹三強牧師,郝鳴長老等禱告,求神安慰堅固他們靠主站立得穩, 願神的公義早日彰顯。求神興起加國的教會爲加拿大守望禱告。求神憐憫加國,使加國回歸真神,珍惜基督教寶貴的屬靈遺産,使人心歸回上帝的真理。


3.      2023六四慘案34週年公禱文



4.      华人基督徒关于六四20週年的宣告忏悔和解重建直挂云帆 19892009 锦旗再展




本次燭光禱告會 Zoom ID : 966 3826 2938密码 PW: 100001

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/96638262938?pwd=UTBpS25SK3RucXh6ZVZkV3BnQUv JSUT09

Youtube 鏈接: https://m.youtube.com/live/L2_sQu3_Egc?feature=share






     “世人哪,耶和華已指示你何爲善。祂向你所要的是什麽 呢?只要你行公義,好憐憫,存謙卑的心,與你的神同行” (彌67-8)。


     親愛的阿爸父神,我們是一群領受了拯救大恩的華人基督徒。我們要感謝讚美,單單高舉的聖名。創造天地萬有,將生命、氣息、萬物賜給世人。但世人都犯了自我高舉的罪,虧缺了的榮耀,都要死在自己的罪裏, 因爲是公義的神,絕不以有罪的為無罪。但又是慈愛憐憫的神,定意搭救仰望恩典救贖的人。爲此,賜下愛子耶穌基督在十字架上為世人不信之罪受死,三日後復活,升天,掌權,並要再來,叫一切信祂的,因著悔改認罪,不至滅亡,反得永生。阿爸父神,在耶穌基督裏救了我們,使我們成爲新造的人,得以謙卑受教,與祢同心同行,顯在這彎曲悖謬的世代中,作 神無瑕疵的兒女。


       公義的阿爸父神啊,正因爲我們受了呼召在公義和慈愛中與同行,我們就不能無視1989年在北京發生的,震驚世界的六四慘案。那場慘案中成千上萬的年輕學子和民衆倒在了中共政權的槍口之下。他們的血流匯聚成河,如泣如訴,發出哀告。為他們追討伸冤,要待何時?因爲説,“凡流人血的,他的血也必被人所流,因爲神造人,是照自己形象造的” (創96













A Prayer for "June Fourth Tiananmen Massacre"

A Prayer for the 34th Anniversary of the June Fourth Tiananmen Massacre

May 20, 2023


"He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Mic 6:8 NKJV)

Dear Abba our Heavenly Father, we are a group of Chinese Christians who have received Your saving grace. We give thanks and praise to you, and exalt Your name alone. You created the heavens and the earth, and gave life, breath, and all things to man (human race). But all men have sinned in self-exaltation, and have fallen short of Your glory, and will die in their sins. For You are a just God, and will not hold the guilty guiltless. But You are also a loving and merciful God, who will save them that look unto Your grace for salvation. For this cause You have given Your beloved Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sin of unbelief, and to rise again in three days, and to ascend into heaven, that whosoever believes in Him, through repentance and confession of sins, shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Abba Father God, You have saved us in Jesus Christ so that we have become new creatures, to walk with you in humility and in one accord, and to appear as blameless children of God in this crooked and perverse generation.

O Righteous God our Heavenly Father, because we are called to walk with You in righteousness and love, we cannot ignore the tragic events of June Fourth, 1989, in Beijing, which shocked the world. In that massacre, thousands of young students and people fell at the gunpoint of the Chinese Communist regime. Their blood flowed into rivers, and they wept and cried out. When will You revenge for them? For You have said, "Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind." (Gen 9:6 NIV)  


O Holy God our Heavenly Father, the words that You used to rebuke the sinfulness of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, "Woe to the city of blood, full of lies, full of plunder, never without victims!"(Nah 3:1 NIV) have now come to life in the various perversions of the Chinese Communist regime. Thirty-four years have passed, and "lies and violence" have been the authorities' "way of survival" for maintaining stability. The Chinese Communist Party has blocked the truth about the June fourth massacre, leaving most of the people in a distorted and numbed state of forgetfulness due to the deceptive propaganda. The few who do understand are silenced by the fear of dictatorship, and even in the face of the pain of the Tiananmen mothers' loss, they are afraid to reach out and show their compassion and care. As a mark of a government's sin, as long as the victims are not rehabilitated and the families and the public are not allowed to mourn publicly, the "lies and violences" of this country will not be cleared and the people will never have peace!    

O Faithful God our Heavenly Father, since Xi Jinping came to power, the Chinese Communist Party has openly declared itself to be the enemy of the universal values of constitutional rule of law, that is, of Your general revelation. With the resurgence of idolatry of leaders and the Cultural Revolution style of condemnation by speaking, a large number of dissidents, human rights lawyers, and Christian preachers have been arrested, imprisoned, and persecuted. There is no doubt that all this madness of the Chinese Communist Party is storing up wrath for itself before You, waiting for the day of Your righteous judgment to come. May the oath that You did swear to Nineveh in those days, "'I am against you,' declares the Lord Almighty. 'I will lift your skirts over your face. I will show the nations your nakedness and the kingdoms your shame.'" (Nah 3:5 NIV) Now it is greatly fulfilled in the end of the Chinese Communist Party's internal and external difficulties.

O Loving God our Heavenly Father, many of us would have been partakers in the sins of the Chinese Communist Party had we not been blessed with Your mercy and come to our senses and accepted Jesus as our Savior. We were deceived by communist propaganda and fed by wolf's milk, and then we were held hostage by communist violence and did not dare to rise up and fight and speak out. Therefore, may Your beloved Son, in judging the Chinese Communist Party, set apart the masses of our fellow countrymen and give them the same grace and mercy given to us. This is just as You sent the prophet Jonah to preach repentance before the judgment of Nineveh, saying, "And should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their leftand much livestock?”(Jon 4:11 NKJV)

O Almighty God our Heavenly Father, raise up faithful churches in the land of China, and give them strong and loving hearts to walk with You and boldly preach Your gospel. Father, through the remembrance of the June Fourth massacre by the church, may You make the nation realize that the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party's lawlessness comes from the communist ghost of antichrist. The June Fourth massacre revealed the brutality of the totalitarian rule of humans on the one hand, and the cowardice, numbness, and internal strife of the man on the other. There is no way out for man to fight with man, to exchange violence for violence. Father, the end of man is the beginning of God. May you make them see your righteousness and holiness in the midst of man's sin, Your mercy and love in the midst of man's suffering, and hope in eternity in the midst of man's despair. Only by confessing their sins and repenting of their sins, and by resolutely abandoning the materialistic atheism propagated by the Chinese Communist Party, can the nation be reunited with You in Christ, for Jesus Christ is the only salvation.

O Covenant-Keeping God our Heavenly Father, we finally ask you to have mercy on the weakness of the church and to forgive us for our sins of cowardice and not daring to be strong and courageous enough to speak out for the truth. Some of us, as saved Christians, even consecrated ministers and preachers, have confined ourselves to a kingdom of self-righteousness where we are indifferent to the sufferings and sins of the world because of our biased theological position: some are too timid and fearful of "striving against sin" in doing justice, much less to "resist to bloodshed". Not only do some not dare to "striving against sin" in doing justice, let alone "resist to bloodshed" (Heb. 12:4 NKJV), but they also often show themselves deficient in good mercy, and do not even dare to express their concern and offer prayer for the saints in the prison. Father, give us a brave heart to put on the armor You have given us and fight the good fight for You! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen!
