聚会场所遭强行解约 北京锡安教会发出呼吁书







该教会的呼吁书称:我们呼吁相关部门: 1. 立即停止破坏政教关系的一切行动,减少社会不安定因素。2. 通过沟通、对话协商解决相关宗教信仰群体的公共事务。3. 出台更加宽松的宗教政策,任命尊重宗教信仰群体的官员,创建更加宽容的社会环境,保障信仰群体的健康成长,促进敬天守约的共融社会。

另外,有信徒披露一份地方政府要求基层官员驱赶家庭教会的方法,其中包括“根据私聚点实际情况,按一点一分析一策略,找准问题切实口,通过部门联动、社会 协同、公众参与形成强大合力。从活动点噪音扰民、房屋结构隐患、消防安全隐患、用电安全隐患、大型聚会活动安全等入手,要求停止宗教活动;如是出租房可约谈房东等”。




北京锡安教会呼吁书最近,中国各地的基督教会越来越受到来自政府的各样冲击、打压、逼迫,教案频发,政教关系再度趋于全面紧张。北京锡安教会系中国家庭教会,信仰上秉承福音主义传承,是稳健的正统基督教会。 2007 年5 月在北京建立,一直稳定成长,现聚会人数超过1500 人。2018 年3 月,北京市市政物业管理中心(出租方)以消防安全为由,无理要求在礼拜场所安装监控设备,遭到了教会拒绝。之后,教会的不少会众陆续受到来自房东、居委会、派出所、单位等不同层面的各样压力和骚扰,甚至恐吓。教会被诋毁为非法聚会,政治不正确,甚至邪教。5 月17 日物业管理中心单方面通知教会8 月份以后不再续租(原先约定还有5年)。教会多年合法经营的书店和咖啡厅也被相关部门强行注销。


1. 越来越萎缩的公共空间里,更加珍惜信仰和良心的自由,敢于说真实的话,拒绝谎言和假见证。

2. 看重在耶稣基督里的身份,甘心为基督之名承受各样患难,不畏惧强暴和羞辱,不丢弃勇敢的心!

3. 要切实彼此相爱,不要单顾自己,也要顾同受患难的其他群体。主耶稣应许说:“你们若有彼此相爱的心,众人因此就认出你们是我的门徒了”(圣经·约翰福音13:35)

4. 为逼迫我们的人祷告。圣经教导说;“不要以恶报恶;众人以为美的事要留心去做。若是能行,总要尽力与众人和睦。亲爱的弟兄,不要自己伸冤,宁可让步,听凭主怒;因为经上记着:「主说:‘伸冤在我,我必报应’」”(圣经·罗马书12:17-19)

1. 立即停止破坏政教关系的一切行动,减少社会不安定因素。

2. 通过沟通、对话,协商解决相关宗教信仰群体的公共事务。

3. 出台更加宽松的宗教政策,任命尊重宗教信仰群体的官员,创建更加宽容的社会环境,保障信仰群体的健康成长,促进敬天守约的共融社会。

4. 认真贯彻宪法36 条赋予人民的宗教信仰自由的权利,尽快出台“宗教信仰自由的保护法”,使宗教信仰领域有法可依。

北京锡安教会主任牧师 金明日

2018 年5 月19 日

The landlord forcibly cancelled the lease; The Beijing Zion Church posted a petition


The Beijing Zion Church posted a petition letter on May 19th after being constantly harassed and coerced to move out by the government. The petition letter accused the police of threatening and molesting church members through pressuring the property management center and the neighborhood committee. On May 17th, the church received a letter from the property management center that the lease would terminate in August. According to the contract, however, the church could stay for another five years. Meanwhile, the local governments came up with a system of new excuses for the officials to evict the Christian churches.

A month before, the local government demanded to install surveillance cameras inside and outside the Beijing Zion Church, which the church members refused. Afterwards, the police began to threaten and harass the church members. On last Saturday (May 19th), the Beijing Zion Church posted a petition letter, protesting against the government’s persecution. According to members of a house church in Shunyi, other local churches also suffered from similar dilemmas. The anonymous Christian said: “Recently, we are facing similar difficulties that the Beijing Zion church has gone through. The police interruption drastically reduced the numbers of the churchgoers. There used to be forty to fifty people gathering, but we only have ten to twenty people now. In addition, we have to constantly change locations to avoid the police.”

According to the petition letter of the Beijing Zion Church, the government persecutions of Christianity in all districts in China have intensified; the number of cases involving house churches skyrocketed. In the March of 2018, the municipal property administration of Beijing (the landlord) demanded to install surveillance cameras in the church with the excuse of preventing fire hazards, which the church members refused. Later, the landlords, the neighborhood committee, the police and the working places began to pressure and threaten the church members. The government deemed the church gatherings illegal and politically incorrect and labeled the church as a “cult”.

According to an anonymous church member, the property management center sent the church a notification on May 17th, terminating the lease in the end of August. “The lease will be nullified after August, but according to the original contrast, there are still five years left. We can’t keep renting the house because of the notice. It’s an obvious attempt to disrupt our regular gatherings. House churches everywhere else in the country have been suffering from government persecutions for a while. It just started in Beijing.”

According to church members, the department for industry and commerce forcibly shut down the bookstore and the coffee shop legally owned by the church. The church members told the reporter that the Beijing Zion Church with more than 1,500 members was established in May, 2007. The church, which is a legitimate Christian church, upholds the doctrines of evangelicalism.

The petition letter of the church indicates: “We ask the relevant government departments to stop disrupting the rapport between the government and the churches in order to prevent social instabilities. 2. The government should handle the public affairs relating to religion and people with religious beliefs through communication and conversation. 3. The government should adopt more lenient policies and appoint officials who respect religions in order to create a more open society and ensure the healthy growth of religious population.”

In addition, a Christian disclosed a local government document that instructed the officials to evict the house churches. The methods include “coming up with specific analysis and strategies based on the actual conditions of every private gathering point, finding solutions for the existing problems, uniting the government department and mobilizing the people in order to form a mighty force, using excuses such as excessive noises, unstable structures, fire hazards, electrical hazards and potential safety issues of large-scale gatherings to eliminate religious activities. If the church activities take place in a rented house, it is suggested to talk to the landlords.”

The government document titled “The Strategies of Disposing the House Churches” also instructed the officials how to evict the church members. The methods include “pressuring the landlords to revoke the lease by telling them the liability of accommodating illegal activities, mobilizing non-religious population nearby and using them to pressure the church members and eventually banning the churches with a combination of strategies.” The sources of the document remain unconfirmed.

China Aid Association Special Correspondent Qiao Nong